Wednesday, May 24, 2006

summer training sucks

the only thing that i have realised in the two month summer training is that its a big farce.. i have practically done nothing, but blown up quite a lot of money..

but i guess things are not so bad all around, i mean atleats people enjoy themselves.. dont attend office and all.. sala i am stuck in this god forsaked 5 by 5 cabin.. with 2 others.. the less said the better about the company i am with..

anyways.. the point is that my guide here is a sadist according to me.. i fail to understand what is his problem by us bunking or leaving early in the day.but he just wants us to stay in office till 7.. for the heck of it.. anyway, now just 10 more days to go, so i can look forward to some relief..

and i will be more than willing to share my experiences with ppl about how summers progressed with me and my colleagues.. u bet it is interesting ;)

anyway.. thats it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i guess summers really sucked for you...but i was not very fortunate was rosy rosy for a long time but started stinking at the end as my project just wouldn't get over!! still am at it!! and do remember the good times outside esply! this a sample of what's in-store....there are good bosses and then there are not-so-good bosses....same for colleagues...can't do away with all of them....gotta live with them...and if murphy didnt lie then we'l get all the worst varieties! nice preparation i guess....